
Just Want You to Know…

We’ve had a long-standing relationship with POWER, an agency working with women in early addiction recovery. Their coordinator Karen called and asked if the women from their halfway houses could come to get winter clothing. OF COURSE!! The ladies arrived on the agency van in two groups: 8 ladies the first day and 9 the… Continue reading Just Want You to Know…

Shopping Sorrows Away!

It was 10 PM – normally she’d be going to bed or listening to a podcast with earbuds

Shopping Sorrows Away!

It was 10 PM – normally she’d be going to bed or listening to a podcast with earbuds, but instead, she heard a weird buzzing – What was that? She called upstairs and her 6-year-old yelled down… “My room is on fire! I’m trying to put it out!” “Nooooooo! Get out of the house!” Mary… Continue reading Shopping Sorrows Away!

Like a Kid at Christmas

A young girl from Ukraine was brought to Treasure House by her friend. She had left her country with a very limited wardrobe

Rite of Passage

Going to the prom is a rite of passage that every high school girl anxiously anticipates


Agnes was in the process of reinventing herself…AGAIN! She was attending medical billing

33 Dresses

Elissa encountered Treasure House Fashions under the worst of circumstances


“Good Morning, I have to say even though I was at Treasure House looking for clothes

Embraced and Adorned

Everyone makes mistakes and Kathleen made a big one – she became incarcerated

Our Own Angel

She walked into our shop apologetically and handed the gift certificate to Constance