
Girls’ Night Out

Social Girls Night Out

The Social Girls’ Night Out (GNO) is special – it’s a private after-hours shopping spree – Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday from 5-7PM. Invite 10-20 gals to join you! Enjoy fashion “treasure hunting” with added discounts. That’s great bargains for you and support for our mission of helping women in transition or crisis.

For more information about a SOCIAL GNO call or fill in our form.

412-364-3256 online form

Sponsored Girls Night Out

Want to do even more for women in need? Consider having your business, women’s organization or friends underwrite a SPONSORED GNO for an agency! The agency brings clients (and 1-2 staff) AND the sponsoring organization provides the same number of “personal shoppers” to gently assist the clients and “fuss” over them. You can choose an agency, or we can select one for you. It’s an inspiring opportunity to walk with a woman in transition and encourage her on her journey!

For more information about a SPONSORED GNO call or fill in our form.

412-364-3256 online form