She walked into our shop apologetically and handed the gift certificate to Constance, one of our volunteers. Grace (name changed) was on house arrest and referred to our mission through PRIDE, a redemptive program that works with women that have been incarcerated. She doubted that she could find anything that would fit her – because she still doubted that she deserved to have anything good in her life. Angie, one of our high school volunteers accepted the challenge; she knew our stock well and when she heard the few requests that Grace made for specific clothing and a particular style purse, Angie scoured the racks and shelves delivering to Grace the perfect items. Grace was amazed that her requests were honored and she gushed with delight! She even called Angie her personal “angel.” A week later Grace returned with another former inmate, sharing her newfound haven and looking for her personal “angel.” Angie wasn’t volunteering that particular day, but Grace vowed to return – she knows she has a safe place to come – a place where she is recognized as the treasure that she truly is!