
Embraced and Adorned

Everyone makes mistakes and Kathleen made a big one – she became incarcerated; she was scared and embarrassed. Upon release, Kathleen had nothing to wear for a scheduled interview, except sweat pants and a top; her friends and family had refused to go to her apartment to get her clothing. How could she make a favorable impression dressed like that? A friend referred her to Treasure House Fashions. When Kathleen arrived at the shop, she was embraced by the tenderhearted volunteers with hugs, tears, and kindness! They helped her select appropriate clothing and as she modeled her outfits around the shop, she felt so good about herself! “I can’t begin to express my thanks to Cindy and Sally – they are truly doing God’s work! Everyone who donates is a vessel of God! They’re not giving rags – they’re giving name brand clothing! Clothing that I could not afford…even if I were working full time I’m not sure I could afford them. These are beautiful clothes! I love the women at Treasure House and I hope more people will go and visit them and understand their mission.”