in six short days, our old neighbor today’s home was leveled!! Wow!! Our new neighbor, discount tire, is preparing to make their presence known in our neighborhood! The founder of this company, bruce halle, died a few years ago. The newspaper headlines read, “Richest man in arizona passes!” because at the time of his death his estimated net worth was $5.2 billion. Remarkably, his vp of development, rich sommer, shared that he never viewed mr. Halle as a “Rich boss”; halle was like a surrogate father, known for being very philanthropic and caring. Sommer stated that throughout the company they continue their family-style values as mr. Halle would expect! Looks like we’ll be getting a friendly neighbor!
meanwhile, our donations have continued to be abundant, and so we are offering a demolition discount of 60%. stop in!! We have fresh merchandise daily, you’ll get to view the transition and demolition for yourself and you’ll get fabulous fashions at deep discount bargains!!