“Karen” was in Philadelphia with her daughter whose husband had recently died. Karen and her husband were trying to provide encouragement and support. Then they received the unexpected call: their home in Pittsburgh had a four-alarm fire! They were having repair work done at their home while they were away and this happened!!
They returned home and her husband was grateful they “didn’t lose the whole house!” Damage was contained to the area where the fire started, but smoke damage was extensive, particularly to all their clothing. Could Treasure House help? Of Course!
“Karen” came to Treasure House accompanied by two tender-hearted ladies from her Bible study group. They offered encouragement and support (just as she and her husband had done for her daughter). The insurance company sent her clothing to a dry cleaner, but she needed things to wear in the meantime. She was fragile – a house fire is a traumatic event – and grateful for the help from Treasure House and her friends.
We assured her that she is welcome to return again for more things – she’s still is shock, and it’s hard to know what you need when you feel so numb! We’re always here for her…and YOU!
That’s what YOU make possible through your support of our mission!
We’re always here!!