Semi-Annual Premier Bag Sale – July 25 Thru July 29
It’s BAG SALE TIME!! Our shoppers LOVE the SEMI-ANNUAL BAG SALE and start asking for dates of the next one as soon as the last one is over! A few years ago (to manage the flow of customers and maintain a thin thread of sanity) we added the PREMIER BAG SALE to allow faithful supporters to get “first dibs” on our FAB FASHIONS.
Here’s the scoop:
Show up at our door with your friends on the day of your choice (July 25 and July 29).

Make your $25 DONATION to our mission (tax deductible!) at the door.
Select your favorite fashions – We’ll roll into a brown grocery bag (which Giant Eagle donates to us!)
Pay $30/BAG and get as many bags as you like – average value/bag = $300!
…it’s wild…it’s crazy… it’s the BEST of shopping and it supports our great cause of helping women in need! REGULAR BAG SALE “open hunting season” is held the following two weeks (August 1 thru 12)
- ADD NO DONATION at the door…come early – come late – come EVERYDAY!!
Select your favorite fashions – We’ll roll into a brown grocery bag.
Pay $30 PER BAG and get TONS of BARGAINS!
ED BONUS – our generous next door neighbor,Eatn’ Park, is providing a coupon for$2 OFF any $5 purchase in celebration of BAG SALE!!!
Don’t want to miss fab fashion “treasure hunting” at our House!
Store Hours
TUE 11– 6 WED 11– 6 THU 11–6 FRI 11–4 SAT 11–4(CLOSED SUN & MON) Please note our NEW HOURS on THURSDAY – 11AM-6PM!
Bag those bargains!!
Founder and Executive Director of Treasure House Fashions In 2000, after navigating through a divorce and “inheriting” over $200,000… worth of debt, Sally purchased a retail store to augment her income. The rest is history and she drafted other like-minded women to walk alongside me responding to a need – tangibly “affirming the treasure” within women navigating challenging journeys.
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