
Tracy’s Bday Sale! …80s Style!

You KNOW we love to play dress up – we use any excuse we can to wear costumes and decorate the shop for a theme party! This is happening on Saturday, FEB 25th from 11AM to 4PM… TRACY’S BDAY SALE 70% OFF everything! We’ll be dressed in 80s fashions and you’re welcome to join in… Continue reading Tracy’s Bday Sale! …80s Style!

Just Want You to Know…

“Karen” was in Philadelphia with her daughter whose husband had recently died. Karen and her husband were trying to provide encouragement and support. Then they received the unexpected call: their home in Pittsburgh had a four-alarm fire! They were having repair work done at their home while they were away and this happened!!

Feel the LOVE! Best BAG SALE ever!!

We’ve shifted our approach to BAG SALE over the past few seasons: January is 70% OFF; four days of 80% OFF; then ONE DAY of regular BAG SALE ($30/bag with NO pre-registration – Tammy was our High Roller of the Day with 16 bags); 2 days Take What You Want-Pay What You Can!