
Give Big Pittsburgh-Giving Tuesday – Support Treasure House Fashions

SHARE YOUR HEART THROUGH OUR HOUSE!! Many of us desire to make a difference in our community; we want to link arms with other like-minded people to make a big impact. Treasure House Fashions is devoted to our mission of “promoting the dignity and self-esteem of women, particularly women in transition or crisis.”

Just Want You to Know…

She came into the shop with her case worker. It was her first time at Treasure House, and she was stunned by the selection and quality of the merchandise. Her case worker (a tenderhearted and patient guy from Foundation of Hope) handed her off and announced he was going next door to Eat’n’Park for coffee.


Once we hit THANKSGIVING, it’s a quick slide to the end of the year! Did you know that 30% of financial giving to nonprofits happens in the last two months of the year? That’s why you start getting all those email reminders – nonprofits depend on your generosity.

We’re so thankful for YOU!

THANKS, EVERYONE! This has been a challenging year: first the floor debacle, then the roof replacement, then the literal “hole in the wall”…UGH! Through it all, YOU have been supportive, encouraging, patient and understanding with our disruptive schedules……….and WE.ARE.SO.GRATEFUL.FOR YOU!!