The volunteers arrived first to familiarize themselves with the shop. Some had never been to Treasure House Fashions, and they were impressed by the quaity of merchandise, the meticulous layout, the organization by size & color, and deeply discounted pricing of notable brand names.
The clients staggered in with various drivers. The volunteers and clients were connected through an agency called The Justice Group, a nonprofit that supports women who have experienced sexual exploitation and trafficking. Think that doesn’t happen in our communities? Think AGAIN! It is far more prevalent that we want to believe, and the long lasting effects can be devastating. Healing, however, is possible with support and services.
After initial hugs and intro, Sally identified the evening’s itinerary, frequently reminding them, “Do you know why we’re doing this? Because you’re WORTH it!”
Sally paired each client with her “personal shopper”, reiterating that “shoppers” were not harsh fashion police dictating what to wear; they’re here to “fuss” and gently assist and to listen to as much of her story as she was willing to share.
All participants shared refreshments in the mezzanine while Sally shared another talk reinforcing the WORTH of these women!
One client commented, “I can’t believe how much all of you poured into us! I feel so loved!” That’s what you make happen when you support our mission!
Consider hosting your own Girl’s Night Out in the New Year – as a Social event with 10+ of your friends or step up to underwrite a Sponsored event for a partner agency! Call 412-364-3256 and ask for Tracy or Sally to schedule your event. It’s a heart-warming experience! She won’t forget it – and neither will YOU!